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Threatening to leave

Dear Naran,

I am writing to you to express deep gratitude for the Healing Symbols you posted on the blog.

Today morning, we had a committee meeting under the shadow of one of the temple committee members threatening to resign.

It sounded like everyone was worried about this and nobody was willing to talk to me normally.

On the same day, the Healing Symbols were gifted to the world, especially 47-Broken-Relationship.

I put the member’s name in the circle and chanted every day for 5 minutes, setting my intention on resolving this conflict and not breaking up the group.

I prayed that whatever apprehension the person felt, should be brought out into the open, expressed honestly and amicably. I prayed for a peaceful resolution.

To be totally honest, I did not begin in that space.

When I started I was angry and depressed at how things were piling up on me and felt that I needed to shout at someone.

But, the more I chanted it, my thoughts and approach changed. It was as if I entered into a dialogue with the Divine who was showing me how to re-frame my thoughts and prayers.

This is a new experience for me.

At the meeting, we spoke to each other very amicably.

She appreciated my concerns and accepted the method and tasks proposed. No mention was even made of any member resigning.

Thank you so much for your time, gifts, and consideration.

Refer the link to know more about the symbols mentioned above:


Frame of LOVE


Sir, within a day of using the symbols you told me to use, i.e. Love and Joy (Symbols 66 and 67), I could find a marked difference in my state of mind.

It moved into positivity, calm and loving kindness to all including all who I felt had injured me so much that I felt quite silly about any anger I was holding.

Thank you very much.

Re-discover Love


Her parents are no more. I gave her the symbols Love and Joy to be kept under the pillow. I instructed to try the love symbol for three days, the Joy symbol for next three days and both of them together after that.

This is her experience


I saw my father again in my dream yesterday, he expressed his happiness towards me, and we had a loving conversation.

I feel this is all part of healing and the impact of love and joy symbols.

I am re-discovering or love from my parents, their love for each other.

The reason I am sharing this is because I am so overwhelmed at the power of the love I felt from my father in the dream that my eyes fill up when I think of it.

It made me realize a lot of things. I feel so loved. I feel young.

Thank you Master, Thank you Shobana, Thank you Divine Mother.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.